I'm a Senior QA Lead , I manage teams of video game testers. I draw when I can, which sadly isn't as often as it used to be.

Kevin @Vegeton

Age 37, Male

Senior QA Lead

High School


Joined on 12/31/02

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Interview with the Tom Fulp

Posted by Vegeton - September 30th, 2007

What did you want to be when you were little? (Obviously not the owner of a hugely popular website)
I always wanted to make video games. I used to draw level layouts and bosses and I would put together entire 20-30 page game design docs and send them to video game companies in the hopes they would make games from them. Nowadays I'm not nearly as good at documenting everything like that, though.

Are there any dirty Newgrounds office secrets? Anyone with weird quirks, aside from Stamper.
MindChamber is actually a person and not a robot, but other than that, no.

How goes production on Pico 2?
On the backburner until some day when I can actually work on it again. :(

Castle Crashers will be a Xbox arcade game, right? Any idea how many points it will cost?
No set price yet, but expect either $10 or $15.

What games are you looking forward to this coming holiday season?
Devil May Cry 4.

Are there any new flash artists that have caught your eye we should check out?
Depends on how you define new, I guess... There are some artists like LeafWorthy and Proxicide who aren't actually new, but I think they will make more and more of a name for themselves in the next year.

You're 29, right? The big three-oh coming around the corner, do you feel old? Or does Newgrounds keep you feeling young?
NG keeps me feeling pretty young. I'm also trying to stay in shape. :)

With the site expanding and changing over the years, and the addition of a fancy office, and the idea of a Newgrounds store as an actual store you can walk into. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years I'll still be here in the office, but NG should be a lot more exciting and have some really great features. I'll probably have kids, too.

Does The Behemoth have any plans for further games after Castle Crashers? And if so, will it be sticking to traditional sleek 2-D stylings with the art of Dan Paladin or expand into the dangerous realm of 3D?
We have a lot of game ideas we tinker with and will most likely stick with 2D, although we do talk about ideas for 3D games on occasion.

Will you ever let the Newgrounds logo and name expand into other markets? e.g. energy drinks, snack bars, candy.
We've talked (joked?) about making Tank Beer - "Get Tanked!" - but that would only happen if we helped set up a brewpub here in Glenside some day.

Any advice for aspiring flash artists and internet pioneers looking to start their own e-empire?
Be patient! If you believe in your idea and stick with it (for years), it's like rolling a snowball. Unless the idea sucks.


What's your opinion on the "war" in Iraq?
I've never been a fan.

Who do you think will win the presidency?
If Ron Paul is the Republican nominee, I would consider voting for him (check out his site and his views on the war and the IRS). Otherwise, the democratic candidate will likely win.

When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?
Nah, I eat them in order. I'm a very linear Smarties eater.

Thanks for your time Tom! :D

The Behemoth
Synj Industries, INC.


Cool, some of the questions and answers were pretty funny. Nice interview.

Silly questions! XD

When I was little I wanted to write a Newspaper comic 'cause it can be crap & still be popular.

Now I wanna be a Graphic Artist =]


Nice interview! Tank beer ftw.

if tom has kids, he'll probably use them to help him in his top secret quest of new grounds world domination, and then war would be like tankmen, bullies will be purple, all gingers will be evil, (not saying gingers arnt already) police will be replaced with robots like m-bot and tom fulp will be king of everything by everyone, anyway nice interview, a good source of information if you wish to learn more about tom before he kills you, your family and friends

Tank Beer? Sounds good!

I saw you on the bbs, oh my!



Just stumbled on this and thought I'd make an update, 13 years later!

Pico 2 is still on the backburner.

I never actually got Devil May Cry 4.

Castle Crashers was released the following year for $15.

LeafWorthy went on to make The Story of Khale 2 and Proxicide made Madness Rising, both pretty legendary.

NG has still kept me feeling young and I've managed to stay in shape.

Five years after this interview, I WAS still in the NG office and I DID have kids, two of them!

The Behemoth continued to release new games (BattleBlock Theater and Pit People), sticking with 2D.

We never helped open a brew pub in Glenside but Glenside does now have two brew pubs. Maybe I should pitch them on the Newgrounds beer.

I stand by what I said about being patient and rolling a snowball. You need to keep being persistent in pursuing your vision. Newgrounds is still far from what I can picture it being but it continues to move forward towards that idea.

Still not a fan of the war in Iraq.

I voted for Obama, then Hillary and most recently Biden.

I have not eaten many Smarties in the past 13 years. Maybe none?

Hey Tom,

Nice of you to stop by and update, a lot can change in nearly 15 years haha.

Do you worry that people may be unfamiliar with Pico now'a'days and that a full remake of Pico 1 would be required along with a Pico 2?

Now you'd have to play catch up, DmC and Devil May Cry 5 (although I think from a narrative standpoint that DmC can be skipped).

I picked up a copy of Castle Crashers and played through it multiple times with some friends, maybe I'll get around to getting the remaster and see if my wife wants to play.

I can see how the youthful tone and content of Newgrounds can keep things feeling fresh and young and fun.

Five years after this interview, I was working on Mass Effect Andromeda, crazy how time flies and things can change.

I also picked up Battleblock Theater on release too, because of how much I loved Castle Crashers. Actually, when I think of it I may have picked it up twice, once on Xbox 360 and once on PC/Steam.

I'd like to imagine a Newgrounds beer coming in a bottle shaped like a tank barrel.

Newgrounds has certainly grown and changed a lot since I started to visit back around when you launched the site, not even sure how I found it back then.

Also not a fan of the war in Iraq, or any wars really.

I would have also picked those voting choices, if I were a U.S. citizen. Although I did spend half a year living outside Seattle.

Sounds like someone should send you some Smarties!

@Vegeton That's a good question about Pico 2... At this point I wonder if I would throw out a lot of the Pico 2 story and re-imagine the entire Pico universe with a new original story. Or maybe it's best to leave Pico as an artifact of the past.

Pico would make for a good easter egg character in a future Behemoth game for us veteran Newgrounders.