I'm a Senior QA Lead , I manage teams of video game testers. I draw when I can, which sadly isn't as often as it used to be.

Kevin @Vegeton

Age 37, Male

Senior QA Lead

High School


Joined on 12/31/02

Exp Points:
10,062 / 10,670
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Vegeton's News

Posted by Vegeton - September 30th, 2007

What did you want to be when you were little? (Obviously not the owner of a hugely popular website)
I always wanted to make video games. I used to draw level layouts and bosses and I would put together entire 20-30 page game design docs and send them to video game companies in the hopes they would make games from them. Nowadays I'm not nearly as good at documenting everything like that, though.

Are there any dirty Newgrounds office secrets? Anyone with weird quirks, aside from Stamper.
MindChamber is actually a person and not a robot, but other than that, no.

How goes production on Pico 2?
On the backburner until some day when I can actually work on it again. :(

Castle Crashers will be a Xbox arcade game, right? Any idea how many points it will cost?
No set price yet, but expect either $10 or $15.

What games are you looking forward to this coming holiday season?
Devil May Cry 4.

Are there any new flash artists that have caught your eye we should check out?
Depends on how you define new, I guess... There are some artists like LeafWorthy and Proxicide who aren't actually new, but I think they will make more and more of a name for themselves in the next year.

You're 29, right? The big three-oh coming around the corner, do you feel old? Or does Newgrounds keep you feeling young?
NG keeps me feeling pretty young. I'm also trying to stay in shape. :)

With the site expanding and changing over the years, and the addition of a fancy office, and the idea of a Newgrounds store as an actual store you can walk into. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years I'll still be here in the office, but NG should be a lot more exciting and have some really great features. I'll probably have kids, too.

Does The Behemoth have any plans for further games after Castle Crashers? And if so, will it be sticking to traditional sleek 2-D stylings with the art of Dan Paladin or expand into the dangerous realm of 3D?
We have a lot of game ideas we tinker with and will most likely stick with 2D, although we do talk about ideas for 3D games on occasion.

Will you ever let the Newgrounds logo and name expand into other markets? e.g. energy drinks, snack bars, candy.
We've talked (joked?) about making Tank Beer - "Get Tanked!" - but that would only happen if we helped set up a brewpub here in Glenside some day.

Any advice for aspiring flash artists and internet pioneers looking to start their own e-empire?
Be patient! If you believe in your idea and stick with it (for years), it's like rolling a snowball. Unless the idea sucks.


What's your opinion on the "war" in Iraq?
I've never been a fan.

Who do you think will win the presidency?
If Ron Paul is the Republican nominee, I would consider voting for him (check out his site and his views on the war and the IRS). Otherwise, the democratic candidate will likely win.

When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?
Nah, I eat them in order. I'm a very linear Smarties eater.

Thanks for your time Tom! :D

The Behemoth
Synj Industries, INC.

Posted by Vegeton - August 16th, 2007

That's right. I heard on the radio this afternoon that a man was divorcing his wife of ten years whom which he has two children, because she gained 100lbs and become unattractive to him. When he met his wife, she was 125lbs and 5'3, and just as active as him. Into jogging, biking, and other fitness related things. But after their first child she became lazy and started to gain weight. The husband started to cook all the dinners making sure they were healthy, he even shelled out the cash to build her an in home gym which she never used no matter how much he encouraged her.

But she continued to put on the pounds, until she weight 250, and at 5'3 that's quite a bit of weight. He started to sleep on the couch because he couldn't stand sleeping with her, she had become repulsive to him. He felt bad and thought of staying with her like a roommate for the sake of his children, but couldn't put up with it. He had lost his wife to the many folds of fat which had consumed the sexy woman he had fallen in love with.

Does this make him shallow?

Personally, I can relate to his situation with past relationship experience. I loved a girl very much, but she had gained roughly 40lbs over the time I dated her and she had become kinda unattractive to me but I still loved her.

Posted by Vegeton - August 12th, 2007

I'll be collaborating in a Clock Day flash, that is all I can say for now. Keep your eyes open for it on Clock Day!

Posted by Vegeton - July 26th, 2007

That's right, a new study done shows that obesity is contagious. That if you have a friend, sibling, or spouse who is overweight you are more likely to be overweight yourself. That you adopt their eating habits. If anything I'd think people would learn from looking at a friend, spouse, or sibling whose overweight and just think "wow they're fat and unhealthy, maybe I should not eat like them".

Becareful, coming in contact with the obese may give you obesity! DUN DUN DUN!!!

Article Link.

Don't touch me! I don't wanna catch obesity!

Posted by Vegeton - July 24th, 2007

I remember when I had a failed blog for awhile, with lackluster fame. It was called 6 Pixels of Separation, where I had a few interviews with mild celebrities and commented on other dumb crap. Well I guess here's my opportunity to achieve another failed blog. So here's the old Tom Fulp interview, I'll see about getting a new interview with good ol' Tom soon.

Me: Is there a given title for your next console game yet, or is it still idle as "Ye Old Side-scroller"?
Tom: We still haven't announced the title, so it's just "Ye Old Side-scroller" until then. Some people want us to just keep that as the official name. Oh well...

Me: Does the Behemoth plan on making the jump to the next gen consoles?
Tom: If they'll let a 2D game on their consoles, we'll make one! At the least, we are looking at the download platforms and coming up with lots of ideas.

Me: Do you have any other flash projects in the works aside from Pico 2? If so, what?
Tom: I have a new celebrity boxing game in the works, it's like a return to my roots. It's ALMOST finished!

Me: Your website Newgrounds has made you some what of a internet icon, do you see any truth to that?
Tom: I've never considered myself much of a big-shot, but now that lots of sites are copying off of Newgrounds and trying to make their own claims of being the biggest and best, I'm trying to make more of a point to puff my chest out and take some credit for what we've created.

Me: Do you prefer classic 2-D over new gen 3-D?
Tom: I enjoy plenty of 3D games, but a lot of my favorites are still 2D. There are classic genres that will always be great in 2D. Games like Gunstar Heroes, Radiant Silvergun and Street Fighter.

Me: What is your honest opinion of internet "rival" eBaums World?
Tom: I don't really consider us rivals, we each do our own thing and different people prefer one or the other.

Me: Is there any plan for an Alien Hominid 2?
Tom: I would love to make Alien Hominid 2 some day. We were pretty burnt out on AH after making the original, but now that time has passed, I can totally see getting back into it at some point.

Me: Do you own any video game consoles yourself? If so, which?
Tom: I pretty much own them all. :)

Me: What is your top five games you've ever played?
Tom: I won't put them in order, but I'll say they are Gunstar Heroes, Ys Book 1&2, Radiant Silvergun, Katamari Damacy and any 2D Castlevania game.